Consolidating: The Best Purchasing Trick You Should Use Immediately
Do you like saving money? What if you could save more time and money right now. With one simple trick.
You’d jump all over the chance. As a procurement professional, your goal is to save time and money. However, you’re frustrated. You deal with so much. There’s not enough time in the day. The demands on your operation are strong. From sourcing, procuring, chasing, and resolving problems, it’s tough.
Skylink, consolidating
Because the day swallows you, you forget about one of your biggest goals. To try new strategies and solutions that create operational efficiency and reduce your total cost of ownership. We often mistake the direct price we pay as the primary goal. That’s a mistake.
Consolidating is one trick that’ll make a huge difference. Especially, if you’re working with a trusted material advisor.
What is $ave by Consolidating?
$ave by Consolidating is when you combine more than one item on a PO or shipment. Or if you’re in a VMI agreement it’s when replenishment items are combined and sent to you in one shipment.
This simple yet hugely effective strategy often get’s overlooked in the daily hustle and bustle of aviation madness. Buyers will purchase from all over the world in an effort to reduce their direct price. They encounter unnecessary processing and shipping costs. And shipping parts under critical/AOG time frames cost five times as much as routine parts movements.
time, money
One big order ships for less than three smaller ones.
When you implement $ave by Consolidating you dramatically cut these costs. In some situations you may spend a little more on the direct price, but your total cost of ownership and processing costs decrease dramatically.
Take Baby Steps to Get Started
Getting started is simple, but it takes a win / win relationship. Once your trusted material partner delivers as they promise, you’ll begin feeling more relieved about the positive benefits. Trust is earned.
trust, partner
Here’s what you need to do:
Compile your list of 5 to 500 components that you need.
Send the list to your trusted material adviser.
Your contact should confirm they got the list and give you a time they’ll have the quote. You can also give them a realistic deadline.
Your trusted material adviser will quote you. Review.
Cut one PO with one shipping instruction.
Receive one AWB from your material partner.
Follow-up with one order or trace one AWB.
The $ave by Consolidating tactic is simple to start and will be a huge asset to you and your operation. Start now and reap the rewards.
Do you have issues with out-of-control processing costs? Comment below.