Purchasing & Logistics

How Ad-hoc Expendables Are Killing Your Biz...& You!

How Ad-hoc Expendables Are Killing Your Biz...& You!

It happened again.

Maintenance requested more expendables for a routine task card and yet again, you haven't dealt with the material since 1999.

Now, you have to go source and purchase this material. And more than likely, maintenance needed it yesterday.

The Easiest & Most Cost Effective Way To Manage Your Expendables

The Easiest & Most Cost Effective Way To Manage Your Expendables

Is processing your aircraft expendable orders like cleaning a toilet? 

It’s messy, time-consuming, and there are more productive things you could be doing. 


But whether you like it or not, these low value, high volume items are an important asset to your fleet. 

They’re crucial! 

Yet, they take up a ton of time. 

Why Are Expendables And Consumables So Hard To Manage?

Why Are Expendables And Consumables So Hard To Manage?

The email hits your inbox. 

You glance at the subject line and it reads “Need ASAP for XTY-123.” 

Maintenance is requesting material for this week’s project.

You anxiously open the document. 

It’s expendable and consumable material: 

  • 85 bolts
  • 950 pins
  • 247 o'rings
  • 5 switches
  • 6 quarts of sealant
  • An occasional rotable

The request is 100 line items. 

Some items you’ve never purchased, while others are high volume for you but your inventory level does not meet this maintenance need. 

And it’s not that you haven’t done this before. 

It’s just damn difficult. 


The Undeniable Truth Of The QA Manual: It's Boring & Ineffective Alone

The Undeniable Truth Of The QA Manual:  It's Boring & Ineffective Alone

Quality Assurance manuals are boring. 

Most people skim or skip and don’t read it. And if they’re not reading it…it’s ineffective. 

The 100-page document is a snoozefest. A sleeper. A book that’ll knock you out from boredom in 5 seconds.

Care to dare this hypothesis? Test someone. See for yourself. 

It’s the cold hard truth. Yell and scream if you’d like. But the document itself isn’t engaging. It’s a sleeper. 

It needs help. It requires engaging training and coaching. We’ll dig into this in a minute. 

But right now…

5 Step Trace & Certification Process To Use On Every Purchase

5 Step Trace & Certification Process To Use On Every Purchase

Trace and certifications. 

Both topics are confusing.

What do you need, with what type of material, and when? 

Questions like these flood your brain. And you’re not alone. Many have the same misunderstandings of what is needed and when. 

Whether you were born as a Quality Assurance inspector, trained, or were just thrown into purchasing to “figure it out.”

Aircraft Part Certification Defined

Aircraft Part Certification Defined

Just like aircraft part trace, knowing what type of certifications you need is downright maddening. 

Every operation is different, making QA standards difficult to apply to everyone, in every country, in every operation. 

You spend hours sourcing and processing material orders to find out the certifications you received were wrong. 

It’s frustrating. And a big contributor to your material processing costs.

To help combat this, let’s define what the various certifications are and some quick tips to use with your trusted material advisor. 

Traceability 101: Decoding What It Is And Why It Matters

Traceability 101:  Decoding What It Is And Why It Matters

What is aircraft part trace? Why do you need it? 

Trace ensures that quality, trustworthiness, and professionalism follows aircraft material through its various supply chains. 

It is not a form of airworthiness. It’s a record of who had what and when.

5 Reasons Why Your High Consumption Expendables Need A Vendor Managed Inventory

5 Reasons Why Your High Consumption Expendables Need A Vendor Managed Inventory

Are you consuming the same 100+ expendables and consumables over and over again? 

If so, you'd be crazy to ignore the powerful impacts of a vendor managed inventory. The title might deceive you. You think vendor + inventory...no thanks. That's just giving them a sale. 


If done right, with a win/win mindset, you could cut 30 - 90% of your total material costs (not the same as material price, read more here) instantly. 

5 High Impact Benefits Of VMI That Will Cut Your Freight Costs Immediately

5 High Impact Benefits Of VMI That Will Cut Your Freight Costs Immediately

Do you purchase expendable and consumable material from international partners? 

If you're like most airlines, MROs, lessors and militaries we work with, your answer is…YES! Duh!

By sourcing material from overseas partners, you’re trying to control total material costs and increase reliability.

How To Stop Losing Money With Inefficient Expendable Purchases

How To Stop Losing Money With Inefficient Expendable Purchases

Expendables and consumables. The inglorious material that gives you a headache. 

You know the feeling. You get a 100 part requirement. Or 200. Or 1,000. And your head wants to explode.