Five procurement strategies to help smaller MROs cut costs and compete smarter.
6 Tips To Help You Hire The Best Aircraft Part Repair Station
Hiring the right aircraft part repair station will have a profound impact on you and your operation. Follow these six tips to ensure you’re hiring the best partners.
3 Reasons To Execute A Better Repair Strategy To Reduce Costs
You’re in defensive mode, protecting what you have left. Your operation is seeking to survive. There are strategies you’re executing to survive; the most significant is protecting your cash position.
The Lessons Learned From A Failed Aircraft Maintenance Check Plan
Have you ever tried juggling the various demands of aircraft c-check? You secretly whisper yes while you think of the dreadful memories. The good news is you're not alone. I worked with an aircraft maintenance customer who seemed to be living large under the umbrella of a large commercial airline. With various Phds on staff to fine-tune their forecasting methods, things seemed under control, until... Budgets began tightening.
How To Easily Predict Your Repair Turn-Around-Times And Make You Look Good
Every aircraft part repair station has two turn-around-times (TAT).
How long the component will take to get evaluated and how long the work order will take once approved.
We'll call these pre-work order quote time and post-approval repair time.
Here’s how you to take the guesswork out of your TATs and better predict your next repair turn-around-time.
MRO NETWORK: Purchasing Trends No One Is Talking About
You hear about major trends every day—the trends that will have a lasting impact on your maintenance and material life.
But among the deep analytical thinking of the brightest minds, there lie what I call sleeping trends, ones that are less “glamorous” yet impact billions of dollars a year.
There are many of these sleeping trends, but here we’ll look at three within procurement. In our world, the procurement stakes are high...
4 Shipping Tips To Cut Cost On Your Next Asset Repair
Let's face it, shipping aircraft parts to and from your facility is vital for your aircraft maintenance planning initiatives. But without a clear plan, money could be leaking out in unexpected places.
Who likes wasteful spending? Not me and I can bet you don't either.
Think about how much you spend and ask yourself how excited you would be if you could reduce this cost by 25%. Is that possible?
7 Ways Repair Management Can Simplify Your Life
Dealing with the repair of your aircraft spare components can be in large, a waste of your time.
If you suffer from exhaustion because the communication between you and the 20+ repair shops you deal with is poor, you're not alone.
Manpower and time are scarce, so why go chasing the world for a simple update? You need communication, delegation, and deliberation. It's difficult to achieve this alone.
I have good news for you.
Repair management is one of the best
3 Painful Reasons To Re-Evaluate Your Aircraft Component Repair Strategy
We've all been there when the dreaded phone begins to ring. You anxiously wait as you look at the caller id.
A brief thought comes to mind, should I pick it up? Or should I let it go to voice-mail?
You ponder the thought of ignoring it.
Instead, you cautiously pick up the phone.
It’s your boss, the VP of Maintenance and Engineering, and he’s unhappy about the current spending.
He’s beginning to feel the pressure from your CFO.
Repair costs have doubled and they're now taking more time to process, meaning more people must get involved.
A Priceless Way To Increase Your Chance Of An On Time C-Check
In a few day's your bird will hit the hangar and begin its c-check.
You feel your heartbeat beginning to race. Thump-thump. Thump-thump-thump. Thump-thump.
Your blood pressure is rising. You have no idea of what issues are going to arise or how you'll resolve them.
For now, you just have to wait.